Roy L Hales / Cortes Currents - The fourth of BC Ferries Island Class ferry was launched early Thursday morning, at Damen Shipyards Galati, in Romania. The yet-to-be named ship is the second e-Ferry destined for the Campbell River – Quadra Island route.

As BC Ferries spokesperson Deborah Marshall explained, “We’ve got two vessels right now. One is sailing between Texada and Powell River. The other one is on the Port McNeill-Alert Bay-Sointula run. The third and fourth vessels will sail the Campbell River - Quadra run. Nanaimo Harbour - Gabriola for the fifth and sixth.”
The Powell River Queen, which currently services the Campbell River, will be replaced by two Hybrid electric ferries in 2022.
This will increase the ferries capacity from 59 to 94 vehicles per hour, and hopefully eliminate some of those long summer ferry line-ups that Quadra and Cortes residents are currently experiencing during the summers.

Photo credit: screenshot from BC Ferries video BC Ferries' Fourth Battery Electric-Hybrid Island Class Ferry Launch