David mentioned Millard Fillmore – the 13th President of the United States (1850-1853) and the last President not to be affiliated with either the Democratic or Republican parties. 

We discussed the Iranian hostage situation which began in November 1979 and lasted not for 100 days but rather for 444 days.    That same link confirms that indeed, it was the start of the show Nightline (its original title was The Iran Crisis--America Held Hostage) whch was started to compete with the Tonight Show.

The connection with tying a yellow ribbon Is through Penne Laingen, wife of one of the hostages, Bruce Laingen who told a reporter we could teach the Iranians that you can protest on the streets without being harmed and suggested they tie a yellow ribbon to nearby trees. From that interview, the ribbon slowly spread across the country and Ms. Laingen was asked to tie a yellow ribbon to the national Christmas tree. 

I told Dave about Armchair Expert, with Dax Shepard and Monica Padman.  Dave mentioned the commercials featuring Dax and his wife Kristen Bell and that  one of his favorite movies is the Mike Judge classic, Idiocracy

Dave spoke of the history of digital Communications in the White House and the launch of whitehouse.gov.  I found this article about it featuring Dave being interviewed.  He also spoke of the basic level of communications available on Air Force one on September 11, 2001.  I found this excellent piece on Politico 

We discussed the Nixon- Kennedy Debates in 1960 and Dave recounted a story of meeting someone with firsthand knowledge.  Here is more of that story

Dave gave a Shout out to Widener University which is his alma mater (Mine too).  

We discussed the influencer economy at length.  Here is a great podcast episode with greater detail.  

Dave spoke of YouTube as the second largest search engine in the world. Read this article for more.  

I mentioned the backpack review guy on YouTube.  His name is Chase Reeves. 

If you don’t know what packing squares or cubes are…you need to.  

I was able to find the movie that Dave mentioned regarding women serving in the military.  It is called Served Like a Girl and I look forward to watching it.  

Dave and I debated homeruns vs. strikeouts.  After the podcast, Dave texted this to me: “  You can link to this for Babe Ruth reference. His name appears an awful lot on this list. Aaron, on the other hand, had fewest SOs. That’s why Babe Ruth stuck in my head. Many HRs & SOs comparatively.”

Dave quoted Wayne Gretsky – “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” See this article for more about taking your shots.  

We spoke with reverence of the rolodex.  Here is the history of the venerable office tool.  

Dave’s company is Capital Gig and you can find them at Capitalgig.com

You can email him at [email protected] and he uses the @almacy as his handle for the socials.