I spoke incorrectly referencing the USNS MERCY.  That hospital ship was enroute to Los Angeles.  The hospital ship berthing in New York was the USNS COMFORT.  Here is more information about the history of the USNS COMFORT.

Laura mentioned turning off the water when brushing teeth.  I found this statistic about turning off the faucet: two gallons of water flow from a faucet each minute. Something as simple as turning off the water while brushing your teeth can save up to three or four gallons of water per person per day. That’s more than 1,000 gallons of water per year or enough for almost 100 four-minute showers. 

We had a brief confused conversation about numerous authors.  Iwas referencing Malcolm Gladwell’s Revisionist History and it’s episodes  on higher education.  I found this article.

What followed was a list of other authors and books while I tried to explain Gladwell to Laura.  These included Tim Ferris, author of The 4 Hour Work Week and then Simon Sinek, author of Start with Why which I incorrectly cited as The Power of Why and graduate of Northern Valley Regional High School like Laura and myself  Finally Laura and I agreed she was referencing Eckhart Tolle, the author of Power of Now

Laura was surprised that the Bowery Ballroom was listing events rescheduled from May 18 forward.  As the COVID-19 pandemic is a evolving situation, here is a link to the Bowery Ballroom website and calendar of events

Laura used the story of DJ D-Nice and his evolving free virtual dance floor parties “Club Quarantine” as an example of the power of online communities and how people need relief from the stress of the pandemic.  Here is a great summary of the story.  

I gave a shout out to Virginia Beach Recording Arts, where the Corporate Thought podcasts are edited.  I also mentioned the newly redesigned Corporate Thought Website.

Laura spoke reverently of Howard Bragman.  This is his company.

Early in her career, Laura worked for Former US Senator and NY Knick, Bill Bradley.  

Laura well stated “Age is only a number and that number doesn’t matter”.  I found an article demonstrating just that.

I spoke of his long term desire to achieve Inbox Zero nirvana.  Here is an article on how to achieve it.  

Laura used to host a sports podcast called Bullpen Betty.  

We discussed the idea of a shortened season for major league baseball or possibly a cancelled season.  There was a great article released today on the statistical advantages of a shortened season.  

Laura spoke of her friend, sportscaster, Roger Clark.  Here was a short interview I found with him.

Laura’s Contact Details:

Website: Schoolercommunications.com

Email: [email protected]

Alter Ego Website: bullpenbetty.com

Twitter @laura43schooler

Bands Laura Represents:

Beyond Shadows 

Dan Nastasi and Kings Never Die