Marsha’s early jobs included being a California Raisin.  I couldn’t resist this.

Marsha drops a lot of books and articles worthy of our attention:

Phoenix Project by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr and George Spafford

Booster Rockets in the Workforce – article by Phillip Shoemaker

Marsha’s recommendations – never use password123! or anything similar.  She references 2 Factor Authentication – Here is more if you are lost on this.  Also password managers.

Trusted Advisor by David Maister is the first book that new team members at ScaleSec are asked to read

ScaleSec uses as their HR portal

I told Marsha about the Savannah Bananas and their owner, Jesse Cole.

Marsha told me about a small book that I was compelled to read right away - The Difference by Subir Chowdhury

Marsha’s last book recommendation is How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber

Marsha is on LinkedIn or you can email her at [email protected]