This was a fantastic conversation and I love how Mario navigated his life into finding and pursuing his passion.

Mario’s reference to three movies that influenced him:

1.  Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

2.  The Wizard of Oz

3.  Dumbo

I stumped Mario with an old school Food Network show staring Bobby Flay and Jack McDavid – Grillin’ and Chillin’.

Mario would come home from school and watch Great Chefs of America and Great Chefs of the World.  Here are all the episodes.

Mario is impressed with Jose Andres and his Instagram show.

Mario pivoted to weight loss coaching and was encountered with the question “What do I eat?” So, he wrote a book…The Good, The Bad, The Cookbook

Mario can be pen/paper or organizes ideas on the computer using the program Workflowy.

I write long form articles using Scrivener.

Okay – here it is, Kraft Spaghetti.

I proclaimed Mario a real life Pete Schweddy.

Mario talked about his original 10 minute podcast concept and the GIO method – Gratitude, Intentionality and Outcome.  He has an article on his blog describing the method.

Mario can be found at: and most everywhere else.

Mario is grateful for his relationship with G-d, his family and for the opportunity to pursue what he loves.