Ep. 78: Valorie has been featured on the Today Show, Dr. Oz, and now she is joining four other distinguished writers and motivational speakers as part of John C. Maxwell's League of Extraordinary Leaders. She grew up participating in track and gymnastics until she reached high school, at which point she discovered two life-changing activities: cheerleading and leadership! An only child and daughter of a career military man, Burton took naturally to leadership on the first real “team” she ever joined. Although she recalls being a bit too “Patton-like” as a young leader, she took away lessons that served her well as the author of 13 books and founder of Coaching and Positive Psychology Institute (CaPP), headquartered in Atlanta.

Lessons include: The 3:1 principle of good to bad news and the ratio is critical to building strong teams, and how to begin meetings with a "win or a grin" moment.

Visit https://donyaeger.com/corporate-competitor-podcast/episode-78/ for today’s FREE DOWNLOAD!

+Connect with Valorie: ValorieBurton.com and CaPPInstitute.com,