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If you want to be seen as a professional, you must present a professional image and attitude that will command respect.   You WILL NOT get the respect you need simply by your title. Respect is earned not granted.    

There has been a long history of perceived and actual unprofessionalism in the Coroner industry. This has spilled over into Medical Examiners office and police agencies as well.  But by and large many coroners struggle with being accepted as a professional.   Is it industry bias, or a reality of the image the coroner is projecting?

Five Areas You Must Address

1. Need for written policy

  All staff from top-down

    Procedures for all to follow

       Victim families


      Report deadlines

2. Attitude of cooperation

   With co-workers

   Other Agencies    Stop power pulls

   Interactions with families        

3. Office Organization

  Office area appearance   Filing


   Returning messages   Voice and Email

4. Dress code standards

  At office/morgue

   On scenes

           Proper Dress    Proper Id on clothing

    On duty and in public

            This includes automobiles

                  Is it marked

                  Even Magnetic logos

                  What type of vehicle

5. Training    

      How trained are you    

     Can you talk and understand the field

     Your responsibility  to get it

              This podcast


              Courses   -  local Sheriff Office


              Use your ME