Medicolegal / Death Investigation can provide a contextual view of the empirical evidence in both death and non-death cases. We have found that the use of a full medicolegal / death investigation is underutilized - from the investigator to the forensic pathologist.

Associates in Forensic Investigations specialize in the expert medicolegal consultation and legal investigation of cases involving persons with traumatic injuries or death, as well as cases involving serious criminal charges. Whether you facing serious criminal charges, have been victimized by a traumatic event, are a family member of a victim or decedent, or a law firm representing a victim or family - their agency has the experience and subject matter expertise to assist with civil, criminal and probate cases involving personal injury, negligence, and death. As an expert component, full investigative services, or both.

Their team and affiliated experts include Forensic Investigators, a Forensic Pathologist, and a Forensic Toxicologist, with experts in related fields available as needed. Everything from a document, report and photograph reviews to scene investigation, and autopsy reviews and both second and private autopsies. We are your unique private sector medicolegal investigation agency.


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