In this episode, we sit down with Sumith Damodaran from Sitecore UK's Technical Services team. We learn about his role as he helps Sitecore customers with the platform and to talk about the Helix recommendations. Sumith is in the process of delivering Helix training throughout the region.

In this episode, we sit down with Sumith Damodaran from Sitecore UK's Technical Services team. We learn about his role as he helps Sitecore customers with the platform and to talk about the Helix recommendations. Sumith is in the process of delivering Helix training throughout the region.


Sitecore Helix DocumentationSitecore Habitat: Sitecore Modular Architecture ExampleSitecore.Demo: A repository containing a series of Sitecore scenario demosHelix Technical WorkshopSOLID Object Oriented Principals — Great brief overview on SOLID.Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C#: Robert C. Martin, Micah Martin — The definitive reference on SOLID principles, updated in C#Clean Coders: Training videos. With personality. For software professionals. — Follow Uncle Bob MartinTools and CI for SitecoreHelix workshop link - Please Register here