Jane and Chris talk to copyright legend Professor Carys Craig (and her best pal Brodie - pictured) about her copyright history, critical legal studies, the fact that copyright is not neutral, the saga of copyright litigation in Canadian universities, copyright anxiety and of course her favourite cake.

Editing by the fabulous Emma Guilbert

Carys Craig biography at Osgoode Law school

Carys is the author of Copyright, Communication & Culture: Towards a Relational Theory of Copyright Law (2011), and the co-editor of Trade-marks and Unfair Competition Law: Cases and Commentary, 2nd ed. (Toronto: Carswell, 2014) and Copyright: Cases and Commentary on the Canadian and International Law, 2nd ed. (Toronto: Carswell, 2013). Her award-winning work has been cited with approval by the Supreme Court of Canada.

Carys on Twitter: twitter.com/CraigCarys

Links to other things discussed in this episode:

Carys Craig and Bob Tarantino’s article “An Hundred Stories in Ten Days”: COVID-19 Lessons for Culture, Learning, and Copyright Law: digitalcommons.osgoode.yorku.ca/ohlj/vol57/iss3/3/

Webinar 29: Friday 15th January: Carys Craig and Bob Tarantino: go.alt.ac.uk/UKCopyrightLit-29

Carys’s article Critical Copyright Law & the Politics of ‘IP’ – available at:

CREATe Evidence conference where Chris and Jane met Carys in October 2022

Carys’s paper from the Evidence conference on the evidence around copyright and gender:

Amy Thomas’s study from CREATe on women’s earnings – joint report with ALCS

Copyright Anxiety Scale research by Amanda Wakaruk and Celine Gareau-Brenan published in the Journal of Copyright Education and Librarianship:

York University vs Access Canada case

Supreme court judgement: decisions.scc-csc.ca/scc-csc/scc-cs…18972/index.do

Ariel Katz – From Copyright Children to Copyright Adults blog post - arielkatz.org/archives/3578

CCH case - scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-csc/…em/2125/index.do

Best practice in OERs – code of practice and webinar that we ran on the topic

Webinar 38: 11th June: Will Cross, Peter Jaszi, Meredith Jacob, Prue Adler and Dr Carys Craig. Codes of Best Practices in Fair

Use in OERs: eu.bbcollab.com/recording/21726f2…f9b07cee91d82001f

Extension of Canadian copyright term www.yorku.ca/osgoode/iposgoode/…d-copyright-terms/

Free trade agreements of Canada - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_trade_…0after%20Germany).

Tunnock’s Teacakes - www.tunnock.co.uk/products/teacakes/

Nothing going into the public domain in Canada – link to news story?

AI and copyright stories in Canada: publishingperspectives.com/2024/01/can…till-unmet/

Best practices guide to OERs in Canada – a Association for Canadian Research Libraries publication: www.carl-abrc.ca/influencing-poli…ce-fair-dealing/

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