Hi! Welcome to our first podcast episode for 2022. If you're just dropping in, ours is a magazine-format podcast by the two of us, Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarbrough, authors of over thirty-five cookbooks (not counting the ones ghost-written for celebrities).
We've got a new year's show that's not about diets! In fact, we think new year's resolutions are pretty worthless. Instead, we've got a show about upping the game in your pantry with our favorite staples, a one-minute cooking tip that's really DUH!, and a great kitchen tool we've found, along with our usual "what's making us happy in food this week."
Here are the segments of this episode of COOKING WITH BRUCE AND MARK:
[00:30] Our list of what we think you should consider keeping around your pantry.
[09:09] Our one-minute cooking tip: keep the lid on your pot to get your water to boil faster!
[09:57] A great kitchen tool find: wide flat skewers.
[13:07] What’s making us happy in food this week: Harney teas and being cooked for by someone you love.

Hi! Welcome to our first podcast episode for 2022. If you're just dropping in, ours is a magazine-format podcast by the two of us, Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarbrough, authors of over thirty-five cookbooks (not counting the ones ghost-written for celebrities).

We've got a new year's show that's not about diets! In fact, we think new year's resolutions are pretty worthless. Instead, we've got a show about upping the game in your pantry with our favorite staples, a one-minute cooking tip that's really DUH!, and a great kitchen tool we've found, along with our usual "what's making us happy in food this week."

Here are the segments of this episode of COOKING WITH BRUCE AND MARK:

[00:30] Our list of what we think you should consider keeping around your pantry.

[09:09] Our one-minute cooking tip: keep the lid on your pot to get your water to boil faster!

[09:57] A great kitchen tool find: wide flat skewers.

[13:07] What’s making us happy in food this week: Harney teas and being cooked for by someone you love.