Why do we fear what we don’t know?...


As a child did you ever avoid eating your vegetables, or fruits, or something else?


And as you grew up you continued to avoid trying it, almost to the point that you don't even know why you avoid it anymore?


Then one day you decide to try it out and you discover that the amazing, life changing, maybe your new favorite food?


and you ask to yourself “Why did I believe this food tasted so bad for so long without trying it?”


What if this same concept happened to you in your business and you discovered a way to increase your revenue exponentially?


[Intro - Welcome to Conversion Marketing Radio]


Belief window” - Hyrum W. Smith


A belief window is something that we as humans have based upon experiences, beliefs of principles (religious and secular), and is what guides our actions from what our beliefs are.


Example: If you were bitten by a doberman pinscher as a child, most likely you will always be afraid of them as you grow up and your belief will be that all doberman pinschers are vicious dogs that attack people.


The functions of an individual's “belief window” can be correlated to the person’s age. Most likely the older the individual, the more beliefs this person may have, and can be “Stuck” in their own ways/beliefs from the amount of experiences they’ve had throughout their lives.


My “Belief Window” Lesson ...


If you’ve been following along with this Podcast, you’ve heard me talk about Trilify before, both the ups the downs of that E-commerce project I launched with two other friends of mine.


When we were getting ready to launch our minimum viable website to see what happened when we ran our test marketing campaign.


We created a shared document that each of us could add products that we thought would sell well.


I remember giving a ton of thought to what our target market would buy (Teenage girls… unpredictable)


My friend Dallas was doing a majority of adding products and I was looking at everything he had added to our list and I remember seeing a bright yellow hat with an embroidered banana on the front.


I specifically remember this product standing out to me and I questioned if we should add it to our catalog, even knowing that this was all just testing our MVP (concept), I questioned it that badly thinking it was going to actually deter the site visitor into leaving....


A couple days we later launch…


For those of you who know the story, once we pushed the “start” button


it was like opening the flood gates,


our website shut down for a moment from the amount of new traffic on the site without warming up our server to handle that amount.


There were so many orders coming in that we couldn’t see on t