[00:00:00] HEY GUYS WHAT IS UP! We've got to today's featured guest. In fact more than just a feature guest one of my all time favorite people who just tread in the path of entrepreneurship. His name is Steve Larsen. I'm sure many of you have heard of him if you haven't you're behind times and you've got to go check out his podcast that cell phone or radio. Steve are you ready to rock? Well I'm pumped.


[00:00:28] Welcome to Conversion Marketing Radio. Uncovering the secrets of how to convert your dream clients into paying customers. If You're here to learn about maximizing conversions for Your business, Without wasting money on "Vanity" results, Consider subscribing to this Podcast. And Now, Here's Your Host, Ben Willson.


[00:00:52] Steve works at Click Funnels and I say works. I mean he probably plays act Click Funnels company was charging the world by storm for just a number of reasons.


[00:01:04] He works directly with the founder of Click Funnels, Russell Brunson, as His main sales funnel builders, for multimillion dollar clients. He's got a rapidly growing podcast called 'Sales Funnel Radio'; If you literally haven't heard of it, you're probably going to want to schedule out like a week of time and just like that (That's what I do in my opinion).


[00:01:29] I honestly do believe Steve is the best sales funnel builders in the world and it looks like other people's opinions are clarifying that too. I've known Steve for quite some time and in fact in Marketing Class [from College] we can mix it up and our passion for pushing the envelope in online marketing really is what I feel like caused friendship, right?


[00:01:55] Yeah it was actually you leaning over to me saying hey hook stripe up like this instead.


[00:02:02] That's how we started. You know I was watching bob's or whatever and you know I can do this and that or that I was like whoa you know what I'm doing. Friendship you know dude weirdos United or we were the only to see in there in the marketing class or it was funny. Like you you like marketing. You're like yeah I'm in this class you know like well there's 30 other people in this class. Are just getting degrees. And like maybe I actually do.


[00:02:32] In one of his latest podcasts he mentions that he's a 'seven year night' overnight success which couldn't be more true.


[00:02:42] And we'll get into that definitely on this podcast. And the last thing is the single greatest quality that stands out to me after all the years of knowing Steve is his tenacity and relentless pursuit for pushing through anything hard or difficult that comes along his path. And it's all for the purpose of creating the life that he wants to with. Steve you want to take him in and fill in the gaps from that intro and also just give us a little glimpse into your personal life.


[00:03:12] Yeah of course man that's super nice of you. You're gonna make me weep over here. A business though a lot of fun memories growing up and all the cool crazy stuff he's the teacher. I was thinking through all the businesses when he said that the seven year overnight success. One day I was sitting down. I was like I wonder how many times like I actually failed before quote unquote you know hitting it or
