AABP Executive Director Dr. Fred Gingrich is joined by Dr. Hubert Karreman. This podcast is brought to you by the AABP Committee on Pharmaceutical and Biologic Issues. Dr. Karreman graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1995 and has many years of experience working with organic production systems as a veterinarian. Karreman discusses what types of botanicals are available and some history of how they have been used. We also discuss what cases may be amenable to treatment with botanical medications in both organic and conventional systems. 

Karreman provides some information on the regulatory aspects of botanical medicines and how they do not fit into the AMDUCA algorithm and pathways for possible approvals. He provides some references for efficacy studies of botanicals and suggests that there is opportunity for more research on their use in cattle.  

Karreman developed a resource guide with links for veterinarians interested in botanical medicine which can be found here.