Let's talk about the drop in outbound call connections - buyers have changed. How do we adjust and prepare and work to hit our sales numbers? Meet Heidi. Heidi Messer is an entrepreneur, board director, builder of networks and investor who founded several global businesesses including Linkshare and collective[i]. She serves on a number of boards, was granted two patents connected to collective[i]'s data analytics network and is listed in Wikipedia. The name collective[i] stands for Collective Intelligence-- a concept that when knowledge is shared, everyone wins. Heidi says the greatest sales leaders she's seen are resilient. She wants people to question logic from the past instead of being open to the future. Technology is not the change itself, but it helps enables change. Her latest venture works to remove time forecasting as well as inputing data. It connects buyers and sellers in modern ways - deep collaboration. People need the ability to collaborate and that is the next experience in selling. Check out the collective[i] forecast at https://www.ciforecast.com/