On this episode of Love It or Leave it Samantha Clarke interviews Giselle La Pompe-Moore. Giselle has made the transition from the chaotic fashion and beauty industry and tapped into her own spirituality. She now supports corporate individuals to tune into spiritual work to create inner calm in the craziness that can be the corporate landscape. This episode will help you think about practices around meditation and rituals that you can use to give yourself a daily dose of self-care, motivation and momentum to see you through your day.


“On a soul level who am I, what is my purpose, what do I believe in?” - Giselle




4.53 - 3 words that describe how Giselle shows up in the world

7.25 - Giselle’s journey to tap into her inner power

13.33 - How to start finding your own version of spirituality

22.45 - Negotiating spiritual practice and running a business

33.35 - Navigating spirituality and working for companies

41.47 - What should you love or leave behind to honour your true self?


Connect with Giselle La Pompe-Moore


Website link - https://www.gisellelpm.com/about LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/giselle-la-pompe-moore/ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/projectajna/




>>>Read Samantha Clarke’s book - Love It Or Leave It: How to Be Happy at Work - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Love-Leave-How-Happy-Work/dp/1913068080


Connect with Samantha Clarke:


>>>Discover Love It or Leave It on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/_loveitleaveit_/?hl=en >>>Connect with Samantha on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/samanthaand_/?hl=en >>>Find out all about Love It or Leave It - http://www.loveitleaveit.co/ >>>Follow Samantha on Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/clarkesl/