What is mindful marketing, and how can you use it to increases sales and grow your business? Lisa Nirell is the foremost expert on mindful marketing, as she's the author of The Mindful Marketer: How to Stay Present and Profitable in a Data-Driven World. She's been marketing since 1983 with such companies as Hilton, Google, BMC Software, Adobe and Microsoft, as well as entrepreneurs in nine countries. She's a terrific speaker, and we had a terrific conversation about marketing, mindfulness, on her being laconic and me being loquacious, and much more.

How does Lisa Nirell define marketing?

Lisa defines marketing as "the ability to influence educate and inspire others to take action."

What is mindful marketing?

You can find the answer by asking yourself this question:

“What kind of clients do I love to work with?”

Once you understand that and the behavioral dynamics of the people that you're drawn to, you'll find the clients you love to work with.

What is mindfulness?

Lisa defines mindfulness as "non-judgmental present moment awareness"

Was Lisa always a mindful marketer?

There was a turning point during one of her keynote programs when she asked the audience "Who is your perfect customer?" And while the room was quiet for a very long time, one gentleman bravely stood up and said "Anyone with a check." Lisa realized right then that was not how she wanted to build her business, and so, the mindful marketer was born.

Lisa shares more tips on how to be more mindful and live in the right now, to build our sales practice, tell better stories, and attract better customers through mindful marketing.

And so much more in this insightful, loquacious conversation with Lisa Nirell.

Learn more from and connect with Lisa Nirell

Get Lisa's book The Mindful Marketer: How to Stay Present and Profitable in a Data-Driven World. Lisa Nirell on LinkedIn Lisa Nirell on Twitter  Lisa Nirell on YouTube

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