I first met Anh Nguyen when she was in Tampa for her role as an IBM Futurist. We had dinner and a very lively conversation, mostly about life and Houston and Tampa, and connected digitally. We exchanged lots of tweets, lots of Facebook posts, and learned a lot about each other.  Since then, I have especially gotten to know Anh even more through the #MobileChat community. And that she feels LinkedIn is a "business only" zone. Which is fun to disagree with her on.

This conversation was a lively one, and we are both glad I do audio only, as the backdrops weren't the best for our video chat. Enjoy this conversation about marketing, social media and #MobileChat with my friend Anh Nguyen.

More About Anh Nguyen

Anh Nguyen is an experienced marketing practitioner and community manager, who specializes in digital marketing. She finds the ever-changing social media landscape energizing and exciting. She believes that social media has value beyond the entertainment value – that it can connect, inform, and educate us.

Anh was named among Houston’s Top 25 Social Media Power Influencers in 2016. She was a founding Board member of the Social Media Association of Houston and is the founder of Social Media Collaborative, a community for social media and marketing education, connection and collaboration among business and marketing professionals. She hosts #MobileChat, a weekly Twitter chat on all things mobile. In 2016, Anh was invited by IBM Mobile to attend the IBM Amplify Conference as a Futurist and social influencer. She is
published on IBM’s Mobile Business Insights blog.

Anh also firmly believes that a business should have a strong commitment to doing good and giving back. She volunteers her time and talents with the Arthritis Foundation and Eye Care for Kids.

Connect with Anh Nguyen LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/anhn170 Twitter – https://twitter.com/AnhTNguyen Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/amplifiedmktg Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/anhn170/ Pinterest – https://www.pinterest.com/anhn170/

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