Dr. Charlotte Reznick who has dedicated her life to helping children, adolescents, parents, and professionals. She is a nationally recognized child and educational Psychologist and Associate Clinical Professor of Psychology at UCLA. Upon earning her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Southern California, she was honored with “Dissertation of the Year” for her […]

Dr. Charlotte Reznick who has dedicated her life to helping children, adolescents, parents, and professionals. She is a nationally recognized child and educational Psychologist and Associate Clinical Professor of Psychology at UCLA. Upon earning her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Southern California, she was honored with “Dissertation of the Year” for her work on the effects of parental divorce on adolescents.

“The challenges of growing up in today’s rapidly changing society are enormous.  Children need to be equipped with skills for survival and growth that were never before imagined. I focus on teaching children and adolescents self-healing and self-control techniques that will empower them to realize their potential throughout their lifetime.”

— Charlotte Reznick, Ph.D.

For over 20 years, Dr. Reznick has pioneered therapeutic interventions with a wide spectrum of children. Responding with unerring intuition to children’s diverse needs, Dr. Reznick is best known for creating Imagery For Kids: Breakthrough for Learning, Creativity, and Empowerment. This highly insightful program of guided and interactive imagery – enhanced by music, relaxation techniques, drawing, and journal writing – can help all children achieve their highest learning potential, develop self-esteem, heal internal conflicts, and reduce overall stress.

Her audio programs, “Discovering Your Special Place” and “Creating a Magical Garden and Healing Pond,” soothing guided journeys to inner peace, have been listened to and loved by young children, adolescents, and adults alike. These CDs lay the relaxation groundwork for Dr. Reznick’s Imagery For Kids program.

Especially talented and uniquely qualified to share her work with others, Dr. Reznick has presented Imagery For Kids to thousands of professionals, psychologists, educators, and parents at local, national, and international levels.

Featured on national television, published in professional and general journals and newspapers, Dr. Reznick is sought after as a consultant, counselor, and healer.

She currently maintains a private practice in Los Angeles, California, as a Licensed Educational Psychologist (LEP 1475).

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About Healing Times Radio: Conversations with Extraordinary People

Welcome to Healing Times Radio. Since being a part of the launching of the holistic approach to healing and the field of Holistic Medicine 40 years ago it has been Dr. Miller’s passion to seek out other thought leaders – the movers and shapers who could see the disaster looming for our world and were setting about crafting the tools that would help transform the world. Those few who, like Dr. Miller, were in the medical and psychological field could see the enormous waste in our health care system, the crisis it was leading to. The tools they developed – guided imagery, mindfulness, meditation, wellness, nutritional medicine, and physical exercise physiology – are now transforming mainstream medicine.

Those in other fields (organizational development, sociobiology, ecology, climatology, leadership) were developing their respective instruments and tools (e.g., The World Cafe, Gather The Women, Peak Moment TV, People’s Pharmacy) His relationships with this extraordinary cadre have developed through the decades, as they supported one another in the evolution of their collective intelligence and collective wisdom.

On Conversations With Extraordinary People, you will experience Dr. Miller in Heart-to-Heart conversations with his remarkable guests as they explore the challenges to health and sustainability we face personally, collectively, globally. You will be treated to an enlightening intellectual experience and receive powerful, practical tools to:

Reclaim your inherent personal wisdom
Use the power of your mind to heal your body
Harness the energy of stress and apply it to your true goals in life
Nurture and heal your relationships and your planet


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About the Host

Emmett Miller MD is a physician, author, poet, musician, and master storyteller whose multicultural heritage has given him a unique social, medical, and spiritual perspective. A pioneer in Mind-Body Medicine, he fused the tools of meditation, hypnosis, prayer, and autosuggestion to form Guided Imagery – a powerful tool for self-healing and peak performance. Turning his attention to the larger sphere, he now applies those principles to the glaring community and cultural imbalances and the planetary illness they are causing. His examination, diagnosis, and prescription are explored in his latest book, Our Culture on the Couch: Seven Steps to Global Healing, Dr. Miller’s mission is to help us heal ourselves so that we can in turn, heal our planet.

Dr. Miller is also available for interviews, workshops, trainings, seminars, and lectures. Please visit our Book Dr. Miller page. You can also get information about scheduling a personal appointment. See the blue menubar at the top of this page for more options

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