Oliver Wolf - Husband & father of twins, Business Harmonization Specialist and Founder of the Beyond the Peak Conscious Sales Agency.

I had the privilege of learning directly from Oliver working alongside him in scaling revenue for numerous clients. This man is a systems and scaling genius.

What we chat about in this episode:

The uniqueness of sales agency space.
Importance of conscious sales vs. crony sales.
Empowering people to make buying decisions, not purchases.
Setting boundaries for venting and seeking support.

Recognizing the need for constant learning and humility.
Benefits of playing competitive sports for entrepreneurs.

Balancing personal growth with business success.
The significance of intentional and authentic relationships.
The impact of leadership's actions on organizational culture.
Learning from mentors and evolving business practices.
Understanding the core values of your business.
Empowering teams through understanding individual motivations.
Building a conscious sales culture and its positive outcomes.
Ensuring clients' needs are aligned with business offerings.