Conversation 83:  The Story, Journey and Passion of Andrew Doherty, RDN

“Young dietitians that are just getting into the professional world, struggle with the idea that if you're not in a job title or role that says registered dietitian, then you’re not (practicing) your role. I don’t think that’s a good way to look at it because there are so many opportunities for someone who has a nutrition background and understanding of it that can promote healthy eating in numerous different ways. I just (practice) in a different way where I look at organizations as a whole .” - Andrew Doherty, RDN

Today’s conversation is with Andrew Doherty, a registered dietitian who does not work in the traditional setting and enjoys sharing his simple but delicious life with food.

A few years ago, I received a comment on Twitter from Andrew because we had an Iowa connection, so of course I had to start following him. I was immediately drawn to his witty banter and views from his own personal kitchen. Andrew and I talk about his non-traditional role as a dietitian, how you can influence and practice our profession in a variety of ways and what the future holds for him as he is just starting his MBA. Andrew is very practical in his approach to sharing his journey and inspires me to cook more by making it look easy.

Please enjoy my conversation with Andrew.

Connect with Andrew on Twitter and Instagram.
Copyright © 2018 OPI & AEHC

One Of These Days
Artist: The Gemini

Music used by permission. All rights received.
© ASCAP OrtmanMusic


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