Michelle Maldonado is the founder of Lucenscia, an organization helping leaders do their inner work to generate the kind of organizational change, transformation and outer impact that inspires ecosystems where everyone flourishes. She was previously a corporate attorney and brings her legal, business, operational and emotional intelligence skills, supported by a mindfulness and compassion practice, to help leaders and their teams more skillfully navigate the terrains of work and life.

In today’s episode, host Shay Beider welcomes Michelle to talk about her family’s open letter to humanity. They discuss the emotional intelligence framework, and how to instigate change by ‘being’ rather than ‘doing’. Michelle gives her thoughts on privilege and oppression and shares the notion of how we’re all impacted by the seven generations before us, and will impact the seven generations after us. She also gives advice on how to relate to one another, soul to soul. 

Listen to the complete episode by clicking the player above. 

-Check out this research article on Emotional Intelligence by Lisa Feldman Barrett.

As always, this podcast was created by Integrative Touch for Kids (ITK). ITK is working to change the way people experience healthcare. ITK supports families whose children have any type of special health or medical need. This includes kids with cancers, genetic conditions, autism, cerebral palsy, traumatic stress, and other serious health issues. We have pioneered a new therapy called Integrative Touch™ and reach 3500 people each year in both the hospital and community settings. We engage communities in support of families struggling with special medical needs and offer unique Telehealth programs during this challenging time.Thanks to the incredible support of our volunteers and contributors, families are able to receive our healing services free of charge.