Dr. Chris Segrin is a behavioral scientist and Department Head for Communication at the University of Arizona, specializing in interpersonal relationships and mental health. He is the author of Interpersonal Processes in Psychological Problems and Family Communication. Dr. Segrin has also had research published in Human Communication Research, Communication Monographs and the Journal of Abnormal Psychology, to name a few. He has spent over two decades focusing on interpersonal communication and conducts research studies on how social skill deficits can make people more vulnerable to depression. Dr. Segrin served as the editor of the journal Communication Theory from 2003 to 2005, and was appointmented as an Adjunct Professor in the departments of Psychology, Family Studies, and Statistics at the University of Arizona.


In today’s episode, host Shay Beider welcomes Dr. Segrin to talk about the importance of high quality interpersonal relationships and the detrimental effects of negative coping mechanisms. He shares his personal story on the loss of multiple family members, and how he was able to learn that good things can blossom from loss. Dr. Segrin expands on the importance of cohesion in family systems and the current state of distress families are under due to technology and everyday distractions. He shares with Shay the importance of finding an individual purpose to create a life worth living. 

Transcripts for this episode are available at: https://www.integrativetouch.org/conversations-on-healing 


Show Notes:

Buy Interpersonal Processes in Psychological Problems and Family Communication Read his publications in Human Communication Research His research on conflict styles and marital satisfaction here Publications in Journal of Abnormal Psychology Learn about Communication Theory here

This podcast was created by Integrative Touch for Kids (ITK). ITK is working to change the way people experience healthcare. ITK supports families whose children have any type of special health or medical need. This includes kids with cancers, genetic conditions, autism, cerebral palsy, traumatic stress, and other serious health issues. We have pioneered a new therapy called Integrative Touch™ and reach thousands of people each year in the hospital and community settings. We engage communities in support of families struggling with special medical needs and offer unique Telehealth programs to families and healthcare providers during this challenging time. Thanks to the incredible support of our volunteers and contributors, individuals are able to receive our healing services at little or no cost.