Kitty Westin is the founder and former President of the Anna Westin Foundation, formed after the death of her daughter, Anna. Now called WithAll, Kitty serves on the board to be an outspoken activist for those who struggle with eating disorders. WithAll provides support, advocacy and various different programs for the prevention of eating disorders to individuals and the community. She is also a founding member of the Eating Disorders Coalition, and she works with members of Congress to educate them and advance legislation for eating disorders. She also led the creation of the Anna Westin Act of 2015, which works to improve health care professional training and mental health clarity.


In this episode, host Shay Beider welcomes Kitty as she shares how she has taken the grief from the loss of her daughter to create progress and resources for others with eating disorders. She has used her suffering to create positive change in legislation and continues to use her voice to destigmatize mental health challenges. Kitty speaks about the privilege of meeting former President Barack Obama at the signing of the Anna Westin Act of 2015. She talks about her personal process of healing, which has given her peace. By working to create changes in healthcare and legislation, Kitty says she feels Anna can finally rest in peace. Additionally, Shay and Kitty discuss the best ways to prevent eating disorders, and how to provide support to those who need it the most. 

Transcripts for this episode are available at: 


Show Notes:


Find eating disorder resources at WithAll Read more on the Eating Disorder Coalition Anna Westin Act of 2015 21st Century Cures Act Watch Kitty’s TED Talk: Breaking the Stigma and Shame of Mental Illness

This podcast was created by Integrative Touch for Kids (ITK). ITK is working to change the way people experience healthcare. ITK supports families whose children have any type of special health or medical need. This includes kids with cancers, genetic conditions, autism, cerebral palsy, traumatic stress, and other serious health issues. We have pioneered a new therapy called Integrative Touch™ and reach thousands of people each year in the hospital and community settings. We engage communities in support of families struggling with special medical needs and offer unique Telehealth programs to families and healthcare providers during this challenging time. Thanks to the incredible support of our volunteers and contributors, individuals are able to receive our healing services at little or no cost.