BJ Miller is a longtime hospice and palliative medicine physician. He is the co-founder of Mettle Health, which aims to help patients and their families receive personalized and holistic consultation through navigating the existential issues that come with a serious illness or disability. He has worked in a variety of care settings and his main areas of speciality include working across disciplines to affect broad-based culture change, cultivating a civic model for aging and dying, and furthering the message that suffering, illness, and dying are fundamental and intrinsic aspects of life. Dr. Miller serves as a Medical Advisor for the Partnership for Palliative Care, and is the Honorary Medical Chair to the Dream Foundation, a nonprofit organization that serves terminally ill adults and their families.


In today’s episode, Shay Beider and Dr. Miller discuss the difference between healing versus fixing, and how he found the perseverance to navigate a major accident that resulted in him becoming a triple amputee. BJ also talks about the importance of presence and empathy in life, particularly at the end of life. By allowing things to be as they are, people can live in the moment and experience compassion in the face of suffering. The acceptance of “what is” ultimately allows people to be able to sit with the human experience of pain. In this meaningful conversation, Dr. Miller delves into the importance of embracing the unknown to create connection and fully feel the aesthetic richness of the present moment.

Transcripts for this episode are available at: 


Show Notes:


David Foster Wallace Commencement Speech  Find out more about the difference between Healing and Fixing with Rachel Naomi Remen Take a look at the Immersive Van Gogh Experience in a city near you Learn about Neuroaesthetics here Click here to find out more about the power of aesthetic in John Duey’s book, Art as Experience Explore Mettle Health


This podcast was created by Integrative Touch, which is working to change the way people experience healthcare. A leader in the field of pediatric integrative medicine, the organization supports families whose children have any type of special health or medical need. This includes kids with cancers, genetic conditions, autism, cerebral palsy, traumatic stress, and other serious health issues. The founder, Shay Beider, pioneered a new therapy called Integrative Touch™ Therapy that supports healing from trauma and serious illness. The organization reaches thousands of people each year in hospitals and communities and offers unique Telehealth programs to families and healthcare providers during this challenging time. Thanks to the incredible support of volunteers and contributors, individuals are able to receive wellness education and integrative medical services at little or no cost.