Dr. Esther Sternberg is renowned for her significant influence in integrative medicine and is known for her research bridging mind-body science and built environments. She is the Research Director at the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine and the Founding Director of the University of Arizona Institute on Place, Wellbeing & Performance. Before her tenure at the University of Arizona, she was a Senior Scientist at the National Institutes of Health. Sternberg has advised various high-profile organizations, including the U.S. Congress and the Vatican. She has authored over 240 scholarly works and two influential books, with her latest title, “Well At Work”, receiving notable accolades. Sternberg also played a crucial role in the design of the new Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine building in Tucson, Arizona. .

In today’s episode of the Conversations on Healing Podcast, host Shay Beider speaks with Dr. Sternberg about her work in integrative medicine and how she has incorporated design elements for wellbeing into the workspace. She shares the 7 domains of integrative health and how you can incorporate these into your everyday life. Dr. Sternberg also discusses how some of these domains influenced her personal health and the design for the Andrew Weil Center. She talks about her most recent book, “Well at Work” and shares some of her research to transform workspaces into wellbeing spaces. Additionally, Dr. Sternberg discusses her time advising the US Congress and General Services Administration on a post COVID entry plan back into this work place. Several tips to stay well at work are included in this thoughtful conversation. 


Listen to the complete episode by clicking the player above. Transcripts for this episode are available at: https://www.integrativetouch.org/conversations-on-healing 


Show Notes:

Read more about Esther Sternberg here

Find out more on the Andrew Weil Center

Read “Well at Work: Creating Wellbeing in any Workplace” here

Read Esther’s book, “The Balance Within: The Science Connecting Health and Emotions” 

This podcast was created by Integrative Touch (InTouch), which is changing healthcare through human connectivity. A leader in the field of integrative medicine, InTouch is committed to ending isolation in illness and transforming trauma through togetherness. The mission is to provide connection, wellness and healing opportunities that change the lives of anyone touched by pain, suffering, or medical challenges. This includes kids with cancers, genetic conditions, autism, cerebral palsy, traumatic stress, and other serious health issues. The founder, Shay Beider, pioneered a new therapy called Integrative Touch™Therapy that supports healing from trauma and serious illness. 

The organization reaches thousands of people each year at the Integrative Touch Healing Center, through Telehealth, and in hospitals and communities. Thanks to the incredible support of volunteers and contributors, InTouch created a Heal it Forward model that brings services to people in need at little or no cost to them. To learn more or donate, please visit IntegrativeTouch.org