It's all happening! My book is ready to be released. I get none other than Trevor Young, PR Warrior, Reputation Revolutionist and co-founder of Zoetic Agency to interview me on it. We cover what its about, who will it appeal to, how did I write it, and where to get it!

If you want a signed copy, head to or if that's not important you can find it on [Amazon!][2] in both kindle and paperback.

The book covers:

Structured in three easy to read parts.

Part 1: Shaping up - the decisions you need to make

• Clarity on 4 universal points of confusion in change

• Who’s who in the zoo! Easy to understand explanations of 10 necessary roles in change

• Change success – a three legged stool, pull one element away and it falls over

• 6 most commonly used change models explained

Part 2 Moving forward – the 5 pillars of change success

• 6 elements of change capable organisation

• Change readiness and how to assess if you are ready for change

• Dealing with change resistance – three key considerations

• From the trenches - 5 pitfalls of change communication to avoid

• 12 truisms of change leadership

Part 3 Check the peripherals – things that you should be aware of

• 5 Future of Work practices and how they can be used in your change efforts

• 6 myths of change management that can get in the way

• The ultimate information on how to develop your knowledge in change management – including associations, formal knowledge, communities of practice, self study with 11 change experts to follow on twitter and 17 change management blogs to bookmark

Bonus chapter! A full summary of all four adventures

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