Welcome to another episode of the Conversations for Financial Professionals podcast where we are shaping the next generation of financial advice.


Today we have Andy Andrews. Andy is the author of more than 25 books that have been translated into more than 40 languages among those are several New York Times bestsellers including "The Traveler's Gift" which has was named one of the Five Books You Must Read in Your Lifetime by ABCs Good Morning America. Andy also works as a consultant to many Fortune 500 companies and is one of my favorite authors (I have 7 of your books in my personal library). I think you are one of the foremost authorities on mindset and just a sage when it comes to discussing the topic of perspective.

Show Highlights:

Andy talks about perspective and why it is a key attribute for financial advisors. (6:42)
Andy discusses his biggest obstacle that prevents viewing things from different angles. (10:17)
Andy discusses some tangible steps on how to personally develop what Jones called a gift in Andy’s book The Noticer and The Noticer Returns. (10:56)
Andy gives us some insights on some of his most quoted statements over the years, what they mean, and the philosophy behind them.  (21:05)



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Conversation Transcript:

Welcome to conversations for financial professionals, a podcast to help shape the next generation of financial advice. I'm your host, Dominique Henderson. And today we have Andy Andrews. One of those individuals that will immediately go into your list of favorites. He is an author of many bestsellers. Today we were able to break into the power of your perspective. How do you gain perspective? What are some of the things that are tangible steps that allow you to see things from different angles to maybe pull you out of a spot that you are currently in, that you don't like? And I get some time to unpack several brain food quotes made famous by Mr. Andrews. This is definitely a podcast episode. You don't want to miss it. We get into so many things, and I know you're going to leave today empowered to become that financial professional, to serve your client at the next level, let's get to the conversation. 

Welcome to another episode of the conversations for financial professionals podcast, where we are shaping the next generation of financial advice. And today we have Mr. Andy Andrews, a personal favorite of mine. Andy, you are the author of more than 25 books that have been translated into more than 40 languages, tons of New York times, best sellers, including one of my favorite, The Traveler's Gift, which was named one of the five books you must read in your lifetime by ABC's good morning, America you've been a consultant to fortune 500 companies. Like I said, one of my favorite authors, I think you are one of the foremost authorities on mindset and just a Sage when it comes to the topic of discussing perspective. So welcome to the podcast. How are you? 

Buddy! Thank you. It's just an honor to be here where you donate Dominique. I appreciate you having me. Yeah. Yeah. 

That's great. This power of perspective subject. I know that you are. If I want to talk to anybody, if I had my wishlist, you would be the person that I want to delve into this subject with. But, before we get started, let me ask you, are you excited to see a new year? What do you do, anything special? when the calendar turns, like what, at this stage in your career, what do you do? Anything? Anything like that?

Dude? Right now, I am not as excited to see the new year as I am glad to be out of the old one. I mean, like if 2020 was a hula hoop, it had been made out of barbed wire. I mean, it was just unbelievable. And, and so, I'm glad to be doing anything different. So, yeah, I, I, I make plans and I, I grabbed hold of, what my responsibilities are going to be for the year. I, have decided that a number years ago, I didn't know why that I kind of veered away from goals. I just, and I didn't want to say anything because everybody, yeah, that seems to be just like peanut butter. I was like everybody and, but something about it bothered me. And, and so I, I began to really kind of go to the bottom of the pool on that subject and go to the foundation of that subject. 

And, and, I, it's a longer discussion, but I found some things that I feel like, do we want something that has a better chance of working or lesser chance of work? And do we want something to work some of the time or something where it's all the time. And, and so if I made two statements to you, like, if my goal this year was 40 of whatever, I, if I said to with my company, this year, I have a goal of 40. Now, if I said to you, when my company this year, I have a responsibility to produce 40, which one of those carries more weight. Right? I mean, people, goals have gotten to be kind of a thing. I don't know if it's just because it's so common, but they've gotten to be a thing this like, people like, yeah, Hey, don't matter if you miss your goal, you just set a goal. 

You're at least you're farther along, you're at least you're farther along. And so really okay. Well, if you'd spend most of your life driving, several different ways to a particular destination. All of a sudden, the department of transportation experts declared that there was one particular detour and this was the best way. You became one of thousands of people in your city that decided to take that route. The problem was that so many people kept wrecking along the way. I mean, they're just constantly, but the department of transportation said, well, we've kept track of your wrecks and you are wrecking farther along the way every time. So you're getting closer to your destination. Would that make sense to you? Right. I think that responsibility is the, and as were talking before, it is a nomenclature change, but words matter, and they matter, it matters what you say to yourself. 

It matters what you say to other people. 

No, I love that. I think those are, when we,  I love it because I think this kind of segues right into one of first questions I have for you is about looking at things from multiple different angles. Right. I don't know that this is just this, common to only, or let's just say exclusive to financial professionals. It should be for everybody, but what would financial professionals and, you're working with somebody it's always like, how's my investments doing how my investments doing, which that's one aspect. Right? I love for you to kind of take a little time with the power of looking at things from multiple angles, because a lot of my audience is going to be people that are kind of on the outside looking in to see whether or not this career is going to be for them. 

What are some of the things maybe from your personal playbook or your personal experiences that allowed you to start looking at things from multiple angles? 

The one of the first things, Dominique, that really made a difference to me to be able to, step aside and look at it differently is to understand what perspective actually is. It gives most people. If you ask them, tell me what perspective is,  they would say, Oh, it's how you see something. It's whether you see the glass half full or half empty, it's just is how you see something and you, okay, that's good. But, but in reality, and that's the definition most people hang on, but in reality, it is much more than that. Okay? It is, it's not how you see things. It's how you choose to see things because see your perspective is yours. It's yours. You own it. Nobody can take it from you. It is yours. The glass half full or half empty. The glass is what it is. It, whatever level it is, that's the level. 

You're the one who chooses. Whether you see it as half empty or half full. Now, the reason this matters is because the perspective you choose about any situation sends you down one road or another. Okay? So, we all know that we don't really want to hire a glass, half empty people. We don't really want to follow glass half empty. We want to hire a glass, half full people. We want to promote glass, half full people. We want to follow a glass, half full people. Aren't children to grow up, to be glass, half full people. So, you can look at a situation, whatever that situation is. And, you can say your perspective can be, this is the worst thing that could've ever happened to me. Okay. If that is your perspective, then you are much likely to sit down, think about it, get depressed, do nothing. 

And, and you will have been right. Your perspective will have been right on target. It was, it really was the worst thing that could have happened to you because now look what everything's happening now. I mean, it's just been downhill from that moment. Or you could look at this and say, okay, I don't know where I'm going from here, but everything changes and change is part of it. Even the greatest things happened in my life because something changed that I wouldn't have chosen. This is, I think this is going to be the best thing that could have ever happened in my life. Now if you really do think that it allows you to sit up smile, go out, interact, spend what extra time you might have reading, praying, helping somebody doing something, getting some different, knowledge and information. You can look back and go, wow. 

I mean, how many times have people said, man, if that hadn't happened, we'd never be here. We thought that was the worst thing, there for. We'd said, no, come on now. We've got it. Over and over again, while I live on the coast and long when hurricanes come in here, there are some people who think this is the worst thing that could've ever happened. I think not for it, not for everybody because roofers, there ain't no money in a couple of years, then they most roofers making a lifetime does pretty good. 

No, I think, I mean the lighter side of things is one thing. The mindset and I want to play devil's advocate for just a second, because when you were talking, it made me think of something because when I started reading your stuff, I was going through, my family was going through a matter of fact, I was in a, a stint of unemployment. I was like, man, this is never going to end. I remember a mentor saying to me, he's like, dude, do you really think that, I mean, I was like early thirties. He was like, do you really think you're never going to work again and your early thirties? And when he said that, I was like, actually, that makes a lot of sense. Not too long after that, I found your stuff. I remember something about Jones and the noticer I'm going to, I'm a quote real quick. 

It's like, I've been given a gift of noticing things that others miss. Maybe you can talk about some of the tangible steps or strategies on how you develop this, because some people are going to say here's a devil's advocate part. Well, that's just positive thinking Andy and Dominique. That's not like that doesn't change anything. Can you actually train yourself to notice things and take different perspectives? 

Yes. And, I am not a, a like a motivational speaker, person. That's not me. That's not what I do. I actively flag against it. If you look at andyandrews.com, you will never see the word motivational anywhere on it. Now, some people call me that occasionally because they don't know how else to turn what I do, but motivation is encouragement. It, it has a statute of limitations. We all know I could fire you up. You could fire me up, but that's going to last until the first crazy thing happens in our life. And, and, but here's what does matter, what matters is proof, proof lasts. I'm not talking about like a mathematical proof. I'm talking about proof beyond a reasonable doubt, that kind of proof where you hear something you hadn't thought of, or hadn't heard and you go, huh. Well, that makes total sense. I never thought of it that way. 

What I want to do here with your question is I want to give proof beyond a reasonable doubt here. Now, part of that proof beyond reasonable doubt came with what we're talking about. The glass half empty, glass half full. I mean, I didn't just say you can choose to see it either way. I gave you an example of where a person's life goes when they are thinking that way. All right. I'll give you a real life example, down here on the Gulf coast. I think it was, I don't know, 10, 12 years ago. I mean, you'll remember this happening, but we had an oil spill, the big, oil rig blew up. There were people around here that literally just left their keys in their businesses and just left. I mean, they just left, because the news was saying this would be generations before it was changed. 

This would be generations that nothing would ever be the same again. Now forget for a minute that it was all cleaned up and less than a year. And, forget that and forget that. We can see, diary entries in Hernando, Desotos men down when they were on the coast of Texas saying there are these black balls of pitch that float up that are excellent for the cracks in our boats. Yeah. The earth has been leaking oil for centuries. Okay. So, so forget that for a minute. Let's just talk about the way people were looking at that time and what they did and what, the way they, like I said, so we're a fishing community. This is a sport fishing community. There's a lot of charter boat captains here. These guys have the big boats that they run out for a red snapper out 20, 30 miles out. 

They take charter boats full of tourists and people. It's, it's a lot of money to go and they use a lot of gas and these boats cost a lot. They're all paying notes on their boats. Like most people do on their house, right? And so this is their business. When that happened, it shut everything down. Well, the banks didn't say, okay, you don't have to pay for your boat. These guys were in a world of hurt. And, and all of a sudden, with everybody saying, this is the worst thing that could possibly happen. As we're saying there, my boys went to school with some kids and that dad was a charter boat captain. He went in his boat, one morning and shot himself and killed himself. Which is a, a, a permanent solution to a temporary problem. This shook this community up in such a huge way. 

And, and I, I had said, I, I didn't say this in response to this, but I'd always said in Tama crisis, you're not lacking money. You're not lacking time. You're not lacking leadership. You're only lacking an idea. One idea, we've seen one idea, make millions, we've seen one idea, make, save millions of lives. One idea will get you from where you are to where you want to be one idea. It's just a thinking thing. The, the idea of the thinking, you don't look at your industry, you don't look at what everybody does because the results, the data is in on that. Okay. Okay. So, so you begin to look in other areas, look, in terms of value, how can I be valuable? How can, what I know be valuable to other people? How can I create value for other people? You look in other ways. 

There were a bunch of charter boat guys. One of them are really good friend of mine that they said, people are coming down here like crazy. Because they want to see this oil spill and the national guards not letting them on the beach. Why don't we charge people like 20 bucks and we'll just ride them around. They, they started loading people on their boats and I get on the little microphone. I go, if you'll look to your left, you'll say some oil over on the right bank. There is oil up ahead. We'll be coming to some oil. And, they were riding around for an hour for 20 bucks, come back, pick up another load of people driving around. They were making more money than they made fishing without the fuel costs without going out and getting beat up in the waves. When the oil spill was cleaned up, they were like, Oh man, the oil's gone. 

And so they're like, I guess we gotta go back to fishing, but my buddy Chris said, no. Don't, we have seen so many dolphins when these dolphins are in shore all the time. You can find them really easily in a boat. So they started dolphin tours, dolphin tours. That's how that started down here, these dolphin tours. Chris would send his 12 year old boy in a skiff out in the morning, Chris would advertise dolphin tours and it's like, 20 bucks. If you don't see a dolphin, you don't have to pay. He would send his 12 year old, out in a little skiff in the morning with a walkie talking. And, the boy, dad, founded officer Dan around bear point, and they're right there, take her down. There you go. Chris always got paid and, but it was an idea just thinking. 

You unpacked so many nuggets of wisdom in that story. I mean, it's just, I'm thinking specifically the fact that, I have financial advisor, friends, financial professionals that like, Oh, COVID man, I can't get out to see clients. I can't do this. And I can't do that. It's just the matter of the way that you look at it to see if you're going to make lemonade out of lemons, or are you going to sit there on your hands and complain and moan. So then, that was beautiful. I love that. I want to take the balance of our time together for you to take some of the quotes that I've heard you say, you may or may not remember this, but in 2014 I took my, cousin. We drove up to Oklahoma, which is about a three hour drive, Oklahoma city. And you spoke at a leadership summit. 

I think it was like crossroads church. It was you and John. I have a ton, well, not a ton. I have a handful of like soundbites that I was like, Oh my gosh, this is so great. I want you to kind of maybe just expound on those just somewhat of a lightning round, if you will. Okay. So, okay. You said, and I think you alluded to this, but maybe if you want to unpack more, you said proof is better than encouragement because you never have to wonder again. I think about this in the light of what I just said about COVID and how people feel this thing about the imposter syndrome. I'm not there yet. So I can't give people advice. I can't charge people for that expertise, but maybe kind of expand on that whole notion around proof is better than encouragement. 

Yeah. Prove is better than encouragement because proof has to be aligned with truth. It has to because it has to make sense. Okay. Because, because we're talking about not a mathematical proof, you can't mathematically prove things around us, or situations or actions. We're talking about a proof beyond a reasonable doubt. That's that kind of proof where people go, wow, well, that makes total sense. I never thought of it that way. That kind of proof has to be aligned with truth and it has to stay aligned with truth because at any point that somebody begins to get information that proves this wrong or that it tends to make them say, well, no, wait a minute. Well then it's no longer proof. So it must be aligned with truth. If you can align that truth with proof, then there you go. And, and I, I hear you about the imposter syndrome, but we've all had, I mean, when we think back, my favorite teacher that I ever had was in the eighth grade, her name was Mrs. 

McLloyd. Matt, can you get the key to the cabinet and grabbed me, Ms. Mac Lloyd's picture of that. I got to tell you, Mrs .McLloyd. She is just my favorite. She's my favorite teacher and world. And, and so I remember she was the first person who told me I could write. She was the first person that told me I was funny. One time I made some crack in the class and everybody laughed. She said out of my room, I was like, man, she said, get out of my room. I was horrified because I loved her? She followed me out in the hallway and she turned around and she said, okay, you're funny. All right, you kill me. You just kill me, but you got to let me have the class sometimes. Okay. You are funny, but you need to have timing. You need to pick your moment. 

It'll be funnier and you can write funny too. So you're a writer. I always remember her well then, and I just loved her. She was the first person to me that, well then years later, yeah. I'm like 50 years old. I go to that city and I'm speaking at something. I, they asked is anybody you want to see? I say, yeah, I want to say Mrs. McLloyd. They brought her in and I was expecting some creaky old lady? Oh, she was like about my age. I realized, well, when I was in the eighth grade, she was in her first year of teaching. She was just like trying to stay a chapter ahead of us. Wow. She could have said, no, I'm not worthy. I don't know enough to teach this yet. I don't know. She was the best kind of teacher. Here's Mrs. McLloyd. 

She was the very best kind of teacher. 

That's great. That's great. I love that for imposter syndrome. That, that, I mean, like, do you get some time? I was just telling my group, you've got to do things afraid. Don't let this year be a year when you miss opportunities, because you're afraid. Do it afraid most people that you see that are successful, do things afraid all the time. That story sounds like a perfect example of that. 

Yeah. Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is doing something in the face of fear. I mean, you show me a fighter pilot. Who's actually been in battle that says he was never scared. I'll show you somebody who shouldn't be flying a plane. Cause they're crazy. 

This is a good point. This is a good point. Okay. Let me do this one. Average people compare themselves to other people, but extraordinary performers compare themselves to their potential. 

Yeah. That is, that I have found that to be true over and over again, average people compare themselves to other people. When you think about it, that is why they end up being average because they go, am I doing good? Am I doing good? Am I not doing good? And if they're, if everybody else is kind of, they're okay. If they're a little behind those speed up and if they're a little ahead, Hey, they relax. I'm going to take a weekend off. Now a perfect example of somebody who compares themselves to their potential. I've worked with Nick Saban, a bunch and I say a bunch, is, a great relationship with Nick. We don't see each other often, but he is a, he's an awesome guy. His wife has better than he is, which is what we should all be able to say about our wives. And, and so, but Nick, one time I was watching a game and I was with a bunch of friends who were fans of the other team. 

Well, one of the first things I said to Nick, when we got together, as I said, I want to help you compete in ways your competition doesn't know a game is going on. And that's what I do with businesses. I help them compete in ways the competition doesn't know game is going on. Nick was a perfect person to work with because he compares himself with his potential. I'm watching this game and it's two minutes to go. He's ahead. It's a national championship game. He's ahead, 21 to nothing. Two minutes ago, national championship game, and one guy had a false start. It was a five yard penalty, stopped the game and they showed Nick on the sidelines. He was just like, yeah, he was just going nuts. Somebody in the room that I was in said, okay, Nick, calm down. You're gonna win the game. You've already got it won.

You don't have to act like that. Just calm down and be enrolled kind of condescending. Well, I didn't say anything, but I knew what was happening because one of the things that we had worked on and competing in a way that competition and no games going on is the kind of people were going to be so that the officials would have a more positive view of us then a less positive view. And, and so were going to do things and act in certain ways because, officials, I've worked with sec officials and Sunbelt officials and they can call holding on any play. They want to call it. They can call it anywhere. Okay. What the person in the room did not know is that they were about to go through an entire national championship game without a single penalty. And it was too much. Yeah. Now in reality, Nick was fine with that because it wasn't perfect. 

He was able to, and so comparing yourself with your Potential is tough sometimes because every time you get close to it gets farther out. And so you have to regroup. You're always looking for the best. I remember the first conversation I ever had with coach Saban. He's, I've asked a lot of people, what are you looking to do? And you wouldn't believe how many coaches dominate you and believe how many coaches have said, I want to have us in contention for the division title every year. I'm like, I want to walk out because I don't want to go, dude, you can be in contention for the division title every year and be fired in four years. You better think bigger than this. When I asked Nick that, he said only win five national championships in a row with one team. Wow. Now I haven't done it yet, but right now he's on track to pass Bear Bryant, the most national championships ever. 

No, I think that's really powerful. I think that segue is this last, quote I want you to opinion on, which is the principle of the path. It is direction that determines destination, not intention, right? The intention may be, I want to be in contention so that I can win a championship. If your direction is not like, Hey, I want to win this thing. It's, like in the NFL we go it's Superbowl or bust every year. If you don't have that in your mind, it reminds me of a book before you opine on it reminds me a book. It's by, it's called Psycho-Cybernetics by Dr. Maxwell Malls. He talks about how the brain is basically a turn by turn GPS. If you don't give it an instructions, you don't know where to go. So I think. I think, I think the Nick Saban attitude, as opposed to his peers are, Hey, I got this particular direction. 

It's very specific. This is the only way I'm going to achieve this goal is if I put that in there. Now, granted, I may have a flat tire. I may have whatever, but I'm going for broke. 

Right. Right. And, and he, boy, he has a, he has ingrained that in that culture, and that culture has also leaked into the fan base and alumni. It's, it's amazing, what the expectations are here. So, but the idea, this is the one that they, you just laid out. Tell me again, the turn by turn GPS. Now the path. Yeah. The principle of the path.

The principal path. It is the direction that determines destination. Yeah. 

Yeah. Intention, not intention. I, I had PBS specials years ago and there was a, another guy that had a PBS special at the same time. He was a lot more famous and it just like, it slaughtered my ratings all the time, and said that didn't bother me. The only, the thing that bothered me was I had already gotten into this thinking deeper, idea, this idea of thinking to the bottom of the pool, that I have a book called The Bottom of the Pool. It's a book that Forbes called one of the seven books. Every entrepreneur should read. And it's a very different business book. I had gotten into this thinking to the bottom of the pool thing. The title of this guy's PBS special really bugged me. The title was The Power of Intention. I mean, I'm like, and I still believe there is no power intention. 

There is no power. I mean, are you serious? Because I mean, if I came to you and I said, Dominique, I cannot believe the way my wife is treating me. The way she talked to me last night after I intended to bring her flowers and the way she's treating me lately, after everything I have intended to do for this woman, you would go, are you out of your mind? Are you kidding me? He didn't do anything he was just intended to. You think, well, where do you think? And, but that's the way people live their lives. And so it's not intention it's direction. The principle of the path says is not intention that will determine where you go his direction. And, and that's why the, there is, a horrible question that people ask. There is a great question that people can ask. The horrible question was, is this all right? Is this is okay. 

All right. Because that, see it as functioning adults in the world, we know where the line is in just about every situation we know where the line is and where do you cross into real trouble? We know where that line is. Okay. If we know where that line is, why would we snuggle up so closely to the line? Right? I mean, if where the edge of the cliff is, you don't walk the edge. Okay. But, but people allow themselves to get closer and closer to it by going, well, is this okay? And they tell themselves, yeah, this, okay, sorry. I moved a little closer to the line. They go, oh, what about this? Okay, well, it's technically is okay. Technically, you know, get a little closer. What about this, okay. It technically is probably better to ask forgiveness than ask permission and then before they know it, they're having to think about how far over the line can I operate before I start seeing some consequences and then it's disastrous. 

Okay. The great question, people can ask that reveals the principle of the path is this a wise thing to do, because is this a wise thing to do that reveals direction? I mean, we look sometimes at situations when we, you could have seen that coming down the pathway, right. And, and a lot of things we do, they, people say that success is slow and that is true, but they forget that failure is slow too. I mean, when that jail door slams shut that all, didn't start that day. Yeah. That was a long time coming. And, and so is this a wise thing to do is a great thing to live as a great thing to teach your children. This a wise thing to do because it reveals the pathway that you're on? 

No, I think that statement right there could be, the sum of just about all the SCCs violations for any financial professionals that we've ever seen, if they would ask that question first, that we probably wouldn't have the amount of fraud well, to bring this thing into, for landing, as this is a podcast to help empower tomorrow's financial professionals with tools to serve their ideal client in a much deeper level, much better level. In that context, Andy, what word or words of wisdom would you have for the next generation of financial advisors? 

I would say number one, to think clearly to the bottom of the pool, where you will find, you think clearly to the truth, there are things that can be true and yet not be the truth. There are, in, one of the biggest minefields you will ever traverse in your life is the minefield of true because people stop when they get answer that is true because it's an answer and it produces some results, but there's a book called Good to Great. And it's a great book. Okay. It's a great book. Millions of people have done very well by following this book, but I would challenge anybody to say, look, there is a difference in great and best. So let everybody else good to great. I think you need to good to great to best don't stop it. Great. People stop at what is true, where they can drill down deeper into the truth and they can get answers that will solve problems that will heal. 

That will, that will add a, the truth is like the foundation. That's the Bible that's as far down as you can go and you'll know when you get there, cause you can't ask why anymore. Now you see this on TV news all the time, these guys arguing, and somebody will say, well, why is that? ? And then somebody will say, well, it's because there are no more fathers in the homes and her go well, that's right. That's right. I move on to another topic. Okay. Well, that's true, but okay. So, okay, well this and this. Yeah, yeah. That's true. Okay. Why is that? Why is this and this oil because of that and that. Okay. You can go to the bottom of the pool and you can, the answers you need in every situation, but don't be fooled by stopping at what is true. 

Wow. Wow. That's great. Mr. Andy Andrews. Thank you. This has been an honor, personal pleasure of my own to hear your wisdom. Here just the Sage advice that you have on all these topics, wishing you a very great best 20. 

Thank you, buddy. I appreciate it. I'd love people to visit us, Andy andrews.com and we do some live things. I I'm in wisdom Harbor studios here in Orange beach. I want to give you right now on the air while you will feel compelled to answer me with a yes, I would love, I, I do is probably not nearly as good as yours, but I do a podcast called the professional noticer and I would love to have you as a guest on the professional noticer. 

Absolutely no question. That's a no brainer. 

I mean, I am serious. I, I feel very blessed to have gotten to know you just. I, I, I just, man, I can sense your heart and, your readers and listeners or your followers are very fortunate to have you, but, 

Well, thank you. Thank you. I really appreciate that. I really appreciate that, but no, yeah, let's make it happen. I, I definitely would enjoy that, but great. Thank you so much.