“It's nice to have someone who is an expert in social behavior, right? Anthropologists, historians, scientists are great UX designers, are great UX researchers. There's no real difference in futures thinking. I think one of the myths that we're trying to dispel is that futures thinking is not this whole other or body of practice like service design isn't a whole other body of practice. It's still designed, it's still systems thinking. They just have some different tools such as a service blueprint, right?” -Phil Balagtas

In this episode of Control the Room, I had the pleasure of speaking with Phil Balagtas about his experience working as a Designer with a focus on Futures Thinking.  He starts with an overview of the ethics if Futures Thinking, their implications, and how more thoughtful ethical questions could lead to better decisions.  We then discuss how to study and practice Futures Thinking.  Listen in to learn practical frameworks to introduce Futures Thinking into your organization.