“But what we don't realize is that it's actually our job to help manage change. And it's our job to give people a vision that helps them get to the other side of change. So, so often we just tell people, you need to change. We never tell them why. And we don't give them a vision for the future. And we don't ask them to come alongside of us and help build that future together. We oftentimes, change feels like it's happening to me and change imposed is changed opposed. So we're going to oppose anything that's imposed on us.” -Natalie Born

In this episode of Control the Room, I had the pleasure of speaking with Natalie Born about her role as VP of Innovation at Territory Global.  She shares how an interest in negotiating influenced her career path.  Later, Natalie explores topics running from emotional journeys and change, to groud rules and burnout.  We then discuss the importance of developing a rest ethic.   Listen in to learn all about giving people a vision that helps them get to the other side of change.