“It's so interesting because I think in the process of documenting things like asynchronous workflows and some of the really hot ticket items that you hear about remote work, we've gotten to pull out stories from different people's lives and how that plays out. It's really what kind of brings this work to life, because it shows you how something like being able to work a non-linear work day enables someone to spend more time with their kids, or pursue a hobby that they love, or just have time to rest during what would be an otherwise hectic work day. So I feel like you can have all the policies in the world and outline all the best practices and all of the things, but if you don't have the actual stories around how that's impacting people's lives in a tangible way, then it doesn't really matter to people. So I think that's what feels so important about this work is that it's not just helping the company tick, it's helping people's lives work better in the end. So it definitely is ... it's a big, important piece of the story.” -Betsy Church Bula

In this episode of Control the Room, I had the pleasure of speaking with Betsy Church Bula about how a deep interest in people and journalism led to her career as a Remote Work Evangelist.  She shares how storytelling has been such an important part of her career.  Later, Betsy explores the benefits of the nonlinear workday and the opportunities it opens up.  We then discuss productivity in and out of the office.   Listen in to learn how remote work is different after COVID.