Where Bas remembers his open source projects and previous talks, Benedikt finally shares more on his secret project... and sets someone up for an interesting challenge, our dear guest, John "Paul Hudson" Sundell.

Please let us know your take-away of this episode by sharing it with us @_contravariance.

An iTunes review is also greatly appreciated!

Contact information

Contravariance's website
GitHub repository
Contravariance's Twitter
Benedikt's Twitter
Bas' Twitter

Benedikt's blog
Bas' blog


John Sundell's Twitter
John Sundell's website
Benedikts secret project: Hyperdeck for iPad and Mac
Marina Gornostaeva
Tobias Due Munk
Bas' talk at Copenhagen Cocoa

Ink, Plot, and Publish

Bas' talk on API Design
Soroush Khanlou's blog introducing Coordinators
John's article on String parsing in Swift
Bas' blog post on Code Reviews
Swift Playgrounds


Små grodorna
Små grodorna dance
Paul Hudson's books
John's YouTube channel
Swift for Good

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