Where Bas still has no reason to buy new hardware, and Benedikt learned more about unicode than he wanted to. And both have an exciting year coming up. Live from CocoaHeads Hamburg on January 9, 2020.

Please let us know your take-away of this episode by sharing it with us @_contravariance.

An iTunes review is also greatly appreciated!

Contact information

Contravariance's website
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Contravariance's Twitter
Benedikt's Twitter
Bas' Twitter

Benedikt's blog
Bas' blog


Mac Pro
Mac Pro wheels
Parmigiano Reggiano wheel price
MacBook Pro 16 Inch

Secret Project

Benedikts Rust Talk in Japan
Swift 5.2 diagnostics
Benedits custom popover in SwiftUI

What we're up to in 2020

Swift for Good
Antoine van der Lee
Kaya Thomas
On (Code) Reviews
Buy Swift for Good Volume 1
GitHub Roadshow Munich
Swift Island
The Swift Alps
try! Swift Tokyo
Swift Weekly Brief
Kristaps Grinbers
Donny Wals
Paul Hudson

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