Your Future Without Planning is no future at all!

We don't set goals when we should, we don't plan we should, just a lot of things we don't do but we should.

The reason we don’t do all this stuff is because we are busy, or we get busy and the busyness dictates our life. And that really sucks. So why don’t we?

We don't set goals when we should, we don't plan when we should just a lot of things we don't do. But it's not because we don't want to, man we want to we always want to I find myself a lot of times doing stuff and getting stuff on my mind and I go making notes I got to get this done again get this thing get this I got to set my goals. I’ve got to make time to do that and there's always something that gets in the way I'm sure that you can relate to this.

Doing nothing is not going to increase my business.

I love what Zig Ziglar says “if you aim at nothing you will hit it every time”

If you don't set the goals you can't be disappointed where you end up

At the outcome you can't be disappointed that there's no business now we just finished up a whole series on goal setting you can go to the tab or the series on goals your blueprint to success there’s a bunch of great stuff in there that will hope you get through the goal-setting process.

Why do you want to set the goals? How do you set goals?

First of all, you need to set aside time. It could be an hour, could be two hours of uninterrupted time.

During that time, you must make out a list of the things that you want to do so you can set your goals and figure out what do you want to do or where you want to be.

Set it up in 90-day increments actually for me I like to set it up in six months that is 2 /90-day increments.

Want a very simple process of goal setting? Go listen to the podcast

6 figures in 6 Months with Ron Douglas he lays out the simplest straightforward way to plan out your next six months.

There are 3 things that hold us back in our goal setting

making the time to do it. Fear of succeeding. Fear of Failing

Go figure who would have thought fear would be a big one.

It boils down to what do I want to do, where do I want to be this time next year to set my goals, how much money do I want to make ,how much time do I want to spend with my family, do I want to work  six days a week maybe I want to only work 4 days, how much revenue do I have to do in order to work four days a week?

Because no one says you have to work sixty, seventy, eighty hours a week no, one says you have to work forty you have to create income. Profit remember you are the one in control or you are supposed to be. 

Make sure you stop by the website and pick up your free audio book

4 Hot Marketing Strategies That Can Flood Your Business with Customers

If you have a story to tell and would like to be a guest on this podcast Email my Assistant at [email protected]  

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