We are going to talk about why some of us do nothing and then talk about how to get past doing nothing.

You might think that doing nothing is a new business owner scenario but it's not a new guy problem because it catches up with us as we grow our business and we get complacent. We don't do anything at all because we're expecting things to happen.

Let's go back to new guys so you start off a new business you have got a great trade you're actually good at what you do.

You get some business and the customer is happy with what you have done for them. And you're hoping that they will refer you, so you stick around, and you wait for your phone to ring.

And therefore, it's not ringing because you don't any marketing in place so that's what this whole podcast is built around was doing marketing how to do it how to get into a system.

If you're a new guy here's a couple things that you can do to get you off

and running join a networking group you know we talked about this a lot of times before but networking groups will get you involved with other people that are like minded who are trying to expose their business to other people, so you can help each other out.

Forward motion is what needs to be done what do I mean

You need to be doing multiple things, marketing strategies and there are a lot in the beginning you can just use your time to get known out there.

Another terrific way helps each other out one of the things that I one of the things that I did and in the very beginning

I would make up flyers and staple to a piece of wood and throw a thousand in an evening. It would take about 2.5 hours. It’s called moving forward and keeping yourself moving so that something is going to work.


Another fantastic way is to get a hold of real estate agents. Listing agents and Buyers Agents.

This strategy can work great on both sides.

For the listing agent you create a coupon or gift certificate for the Real estate agent that looks like they bought your services at a discount.

And they give it to their client as a Signing gift to help the seller spruce up the house to get it ready to sell. No marketing expense and you get to play with the pricing, so you make a profit.

Now if they are moving local you have a new customer for life.

For the buying agents you do the same thing, but this gift certificate is for the buyer of this nice new home. Just in case you are thinking this would not be the same house transaction.

There are so many ways to do almost free marketing you just have to think about it or you could just go to the web site and pick up the free download.

4 Hot Marketing Strategies That Can Flood Your Business with Customers

If you have a story to tell and would like to be a guest on this podcast Email my Assistant at [email protected]  and we’ll send you our guest sheet.


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