We've been spending our Thursday evening's talking about some indicators of the last days. We’ve covered God’s numbering system, the present alignment of nations, the physical restoration of Israel, and God’s promises connected to that. We've discussed the acceleration of antisemitism, the resurgence of Babylon, and the rise of the Russian Bear. And then, last week we laid some groundwork to conclude this series tonight, with a more detailed look at the selfie generation.

So, grab your KING JAMES BIBLE, some coffee, and join us for our Thursday Night Bible study.

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(00:00:41) Introduction to the Sword of the Spirit podcast hosted by Joseph Russiello.

(00:02:06) Discussion on the indicators of the last days, including topics like God's clock, the regathering of Israel, antisemitism, and the selfie generation.

(00:20:33) Closing remarks and gratitude expressed by Joseph Russiello towards the listeners and supporters of the podcast.

(00:53:04) Discussion on desertion of natural affections and rare occurrences.

(00:54:15) Exploration of trucebreakers and their actions.

(01:00:13) Reflection on the concept of being fierce and its implications.

(01:02:13) Identification of despisers of those that are good and historical references.

(01:03:18) Explanation of traitors and their motivations.

(01:09:33) Discussion on being heady and its impact on behavior.

(01:14:36) Exploration of lovers of pleasure and societal trends.

- Joe Russiello

- Claud Chereji

