Operational security, situational awareness and intelligence gathering they not the subjects that you typically think about when you think prepping, but they are just as important as any of the supplies or gear we buy.

We can have a large amount of food stored, water filters, solar panels, bug out bags and first aid supplies, but if we can’t protect it, we could end up with nothing. Protecting your supplies doesn’t necessarily mean by force, it could mean staying out of situations that require force.

Things we do daily that we don’t give a second thought to, Not paying attention to what’s going on locally and globally, and not holding our cards close to our vest can all put us at risk.

In the context of what we are talking about in today’s show, which is keeping yourself safe and informed before during and after a disaster, all of these are subjects are intertwined. This is the stuff you can’t buy to become better prepared but is just as important…if not more.