When you’re researching bug out bags or just trying to get new ideas, there is no shortage of information available. Most of these lists include typical prepping gear like a fishing kit and a Life Straw. The problem is, these supplies may not be as important in an urban bug out bag or survival kit.

This is because most of us “prepping experts” with websites tend to live in rural areas, while the majority of preppers live in suburban or even urban areas.

While it’s undeniable that the further away from population you are, the better your odds will be, that isn’t feasible for some people. Sometimes people have jobs and family that make moving out to the country impossible…for now at least.

With that being said, if you do live near a big city, and you are serious about preparedness, you should be working on an alternative to living in the city. This could be a bug out location (or locations) a survival retreat, or a goal to move further away from the city.