In Episode 176, Dave starts the shows discussing the verdict and it just goes off the rails from there. After that, he continues with Trump news regarding Jan 6 and Justice Alito’s upside down American flag and the flying of the “Appeal to Heaven” flag. Dave then discusses how his fiction is becoming reality again with Japan being bailed out so they don’t cash their T-bills. From there, he does a rapid fire review of the SCOTUS 9-0 decision in favor of the NRA, Edmonton becoming a 15-minute hellscape, and the ramifications of the California exodus on rental prices. Article discussed:

Alito Says He Will Not Recuse Himself From 2020 Election or Jan. 6 Supreme Court Cases by Jarrett Stepman from The Daily Signal
Governmental Intervention Triggers Surge of the Japanese Yen - What Does This Mean for the USD and Global Markets? from The Global Treasurer
Supreme Court Rules 9-0 New York Violated NRA’s First Amendment Rights, Good News for Trump by Ken Klukowski from Breitbart
Edmonton’s urban plan update ‘derailed’ by 15-minute city conspiracy theory, says councillor by Darcy Ropchan from Edmonton City News
California Forced to Drop Rent Prices Amid Exodus by Omar Muhammed from Newsweek

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Available for Purchase - Fiction:

When Rome Stumbles | Hannibal is at the Gates | By the Dawn’s Early Light | Colder Weather | A Time for Reckoning (paperback versions) | Fiction Series (paperback) | Fiction Series (audio)

Available for Purchase - Non-Fiction:

Preparing to Prepare (electronic/paperback) | Home Remedies (electronic/paperback) | Just a Small Gathering (paperback) | Just a Small Gathering (electronic)