In Episode 174, Dave starts the shows discussing the exemption that 11,000+ elites received so they didn’t have to get the jab and CBDC in China already restricting citizens. After that, he discusses the real reason for the human rumba’s offer to debate Trump before directing his ire and continuing his rampage regarding the utter un-electability of Gavin Newsom. He concludes the show by discussing Ohio voter rolls and a list of 12 jobs that vulnerable to the on-going recession. Article discussed:

California's 'secret' 50-cent gas tax hike coming in the next two years by Jamie Joseph from Fox News
California's Workers Now Want $30 Minimum Wage by Bo Beard from MSN
Ohio purges 'non-citizens' from state voter rolls, calls on Biden admin for data ahead of 2024 election by Anders Hagstrom from Fox News
12 Jobs Most Vulnerable to Layoffs In the Next Recession by Gulshan from MSN

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Available for Purchase - Fiction:

When Rome Stumbles | Hannibal is at the Gates | By the Dawn’s Early Light | Colder Weather | A Time for Reckoning (paperback versions) | Fiction Series (paperback) | Fiction Series (audio)

Available for Purchase - Non-Fiction:

Preparing to Prepare (electronic/paperback) | Home Remedies (electronic/paperback) | Just a Small Gathering (paperback) | Just a Small Gathering (electronic)