In today’s episode, I chat with Vic PHan, a DevOps engineer, all about DevOps, what it is and why you should know more about it.  We cover the methodologies of DevOps, what tools you should use and how companies can adopt a DevOps mentality.


Questions Asked


Tell us about your background.

How did you get into DevOps?

What is DevOps?

How is DevOps different from Agile?

What should developers know about DevOps?

How is code checked?

What are some popular DevOps tools?

Why is AWS so popular with DevOps?

What are the phases of DevOps and the tools associated with them?

What are some of the benefits of DevOps?

What are some challenges with DevOps?

Why is security so important to DevOps?

Is DevOps only for cloud based companies?

How can companies implement DevOps?

What are some DevOps resources people can use to learn?

What is continuous integration?

What happens with code after it's checked into GIT?

What is continuous delivery?

What is continous deployment?

What is configuration management and its role in DevOps?

Give some examples of configuration management.

What is continuous monitoring?

What is circuit breaker methodology?

Is DevOps a.high preassure job?

What is infrastructure as code?

What is content as code?

What is the role of GIT in DevOps?

Are there other tools similar to GIT?

What is Jenkins and how is it used in DevOps?

What is Selenium and how is it used in DevOps?

What is Docker?

What are some continuous monitoring tools?

What are kubernetes?

What are some tips for someone trying to get into DevOps?


Reference Links


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