In this episode we continue our conversation (started in Episode 27) all about advanced CSS techniques with my guest Mark Ryba, a senior developer at SmartBug Media with over 6 years of front end development experience in the marketing space.


Questions Asked


How does CSS work with Javascript?

What are style components?

Does CSS support variables or conditional statements?

What is a CSS pre-processor?

Do you need to compile CSS created with a pre-processor?

What are CSS post-processor?

Do you normally use CSS pre and. post processors?

What does BEM mean and do?

What is the CSS box model?

How are units handled in CSS?

Tell us about the position element.

Explain CSS selectors.

What are class selectors?

What are ID selectors?

What are CSS properties?

What are contextual selectors?

What are CSS sprites?

What are pseudo elements?

What are mixins?

What are vendor prefixes?

Should a developer use CSS animation or JS animation?

How do you delcare element states in CSS?

How do we optimize CSS performance?


Reference Links


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