Today, we’ll be sharing different ways content creators can explore making money online. There are so many ways to monetize your career as an influencer. We want to introduce you to 5 income streams influencers can use to build their businesses.

#1 One way influencers can make money online is through brand partnerships

 One way content creators can monetize their influencer is by working with brands. Brands hire content creators to produce short form/long-form videos, photos, and copy (written work). 

 There are many reasons why brands choose to hire influencers for brand campaigns. 

Some brands might hire influencers to gain access to their audience (could be regionally or demographically). Other brands source influencers to drive brand awareness for a new product launch. Brands can also repurpose the content on their own websites, social media channels, and email newsletters. 

#2 Content creators can sell either digital or physical products.

 Another way influencers can make money is by creating their own physical products. 

If you’ve seen influencers sell sweatshirts, t-shirts, or jewelry or open their own Etsy shops, that’s another way influencers can bring in money. 

 There are other content creators who choose to sell digital products like media kits, presets, or e-books.

For 3 more ways to make money as a content creator, listen in!
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