Today, in honor of mental health awareness month, we will be sharing 6 ways that you can practice self-care as a content creator or influencer! Mental health is so important in our field, so we are excited to share these tips with you.

The first way is to find a posting schedule that works for you.

One of the biggest misconceptions we have about ourselves as creators is that we need to be posting all. the. time. This simply isn't the case! The amount of energy that goes into each post can be incredibly draining if you're aiming to post every day. Whether you're working a full time job, or have other priorities that are using up your energy, posting every day may not be feasible for you as a creator.

Consistency as a creator is still incredibly important, so we recommend experimenting and finding a posting schedule that works for your energy levels and external commitments on a weekly basis.

If that looks like posting once a week, great! If it looks like posting twice a day, that's awesome too! It's important to remember that posting less will not make your content less valuable, in fact, it may improve your content because you are giving more energy and attention to each post!

The second way is to log off of social media.

When social media is your job it's hard to draw the line on when you should and should not be online. But, like any job, set work hours are incredibly important for your mental health!

If your schedule doesn't allow for designated hours or days off, that's OK too! Just remember to try and log off every once in a while. Remember: your mental health is a priority. It's OK to take time off when you need it, your audience will understand and they'll still be there when you return.

For the rest of the tips, tune in!
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