On this episode Blake is joined by Chad Fisher founder of BTOWN Web, a Seattle based software services agency. 

BTOWN Web was founded 7 years ago. 6 years ago they shifted focus to Shopify and became Shopify experts, 3 years ago they became Shopify plus partners 

BTOWN Web focused on being a jack of all trades to accommodate where their clients were coming from 

Building sites: 

We focus on what are the pain point brands are dealing with. When we are engaging with a brand it is often because they are looking into changing platforms. We have to get into the hard core moving raw data. From a design perspective sketch and photo shop to build actual sight. We have to look at what is the problem the brand wants to solve. 

What do you see as some of the challenges of building a great eComm experience? In terms of difficulties of the actual buildout. 

Technical components, connectors, functionality. Soft skills and things around the project are typically the problems that arise . Proper project management on both sides: communication, expectations, scope 

What do you think is something that might catch people off guard in the next year and a half? 

It is ok to sell and be a renter on other platforms, it is ok to do physical retail. Understanding how to make that seamless and efficient as possible so I can connect with my customers wherever they are. 

The pitfalls are not understanding the technology, not having the right partner to help navigate these challenges or not offering a product or connecting with the customer because you have hit a bump in the road by not understanding the technology. 

Quotes from the episode: 

“The evolution or life cycle of a brand. Unless you are doing over $5 million in sales you can get away with using your eComm platform as a light ERP”. [00:07:15] 

Links: BTOWN Web. https://www.btownweb.com