In this episode, Tori provides a tool anyone can use to get interested and involved with leadership. It's called... L-I-N-E.

L  - Listen. 

I - Integrate

N - Nourish (Care like your mother would!)
E - Eyesight (Vision - the power of seeing)

Referenced during the show:
- Aunt Leah's Floral Design business, "Friends and Flowers by Felcher"
Follow her on instagram:  @FriendsAndFlowersByFelcher
- Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey
- Business Made Simple by Donald Miller

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(Spread a little inspiration in the group for a chance at a show shout out)

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Follow My Personal instagram: @OnceUponA_Tori

Show instagram: @ContagiousVictories

Listen on: Apple Podcast, Spotify, or by going to

Sponsor: Cacti Palm Productions - Drone Media on the Gulf Coast
Visit Cacti Palm's instagram @CactiPalm to see the best drone media on the Gulf Coast.