Samantha Tollison from Samantha Tollison Birth joins the show as a guest on the Contagious Victories Podcast.

Samantha is a Dallas/Fort Worth based Birth Photographer + Videographer. She’s also a believer, and it truly shows in her work!  Her philosophy in everything, especially birth and motherhood is... that informed is best.

Her hope is that all parents will be truly informed and make the best choices for them and their children with the information she helps provide. 

She says it’s a dream come true to combine her love of photography with my passion for birth and I know you will be able to tell right away why I asked her to join us on The Contagious Victories podcast. 

She took a shot at building a business doing what she LOVES and I am SO inspired by her journey! 

Visit Samantha's Website:
Follow Samantha on instagram: @SamanthaTollisonBirth

Follow The Birth in Focus Podcast on instagram: @BirthInFocusPodcast

Read the full podcast transcript here

Visit Tori's personal blog:
Follow the Contagious Victories: @ContagiousVictories

Follow Tori's Personal instagram: @OnceUponA_Tori