It’s time for a celebration, and celebrating with me is the pillar of the Craft Beverage Institute of the Southeast at A-B Tech, John Lyda. What we’re celebrating is in John’s hand—an obelisk. An award. I’m not sure what the folks at the National Council for Marketing and Public Relations were drinking, but they decided to bestow a Gold Award to the Consuming the Craft podcast. This podcast wouldn’t be possible without the support of John, our lab manager Jim—who’s really the brains behind this whole thing—our guests, and you, our listeners.


In this episode, John and I appreciate this wonderful, beautiful award and discuss our future vision for the Consuming the Craft podcast. We discuss the origins of rhum agricole. We also try a drink of cachaça for Booze Clues, share our mission to become a learning hub for the industry and community, and divulge our plans for new social media channels.


This week on Consuming the Craft:


●     Our award from the National Council for Marketing and Public Relations

●     Our new podcast studio and office

●     Future plans for an Instagram and YouTube channel for the Consuming the Craft podcast

●     Rhum agricole and its origins

●     Booze Clues: Novo Fogo’s magical cachaça

●     Novo Fogo’s zero waste, carbon-negative distillery and work to help protect Brazilian forests

●     Tasty tidbits and other content we’re planning to post on the Consuming the Craft YouTube channel

●     Our brilliant students at the Craft Beverage Institute of the Southeast at A-B Tech

●     What John’s looking forward to in the future


Resources Mentioned:


●     My email: [email protected]


Connect with John Lyda:


●     John Lyda on LinkedIn


Consuming the Craft


Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of the Consuming the Craft Podcast, brought to you by AB Tech’s Craft Beverage Institute of the Southeast. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave a review wherever you get your podcasts.


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To learn more about AB Tech and the Craft Beer Institute of the Southeast, visit our website.