Knock Knock!

1. No, not corny jokes, these are HOT property. is a series of clever funny, no hilarious ways to get even with others and tell them off politely, indirectly and diplomatically - on paper.

Enjoy and please write and tell them we sent you! :)

2. Wendys' gets the order right, well, almost. And incredibly, Scott DOESN'T order bacon!
3. Scott tells two George Bush (Dubya) jokes (sorry for the wind noise). So here's the joke in print:

George Bush walks into the situation room and Cheney tells him "Mr. President, I'm sorry but we have a crisis - 5 Brazilians have been killed in Iraq. We're not sure what to tell the Press."
The President, sinking in his chair says "Oh My God - How much is a Bra-zill-yun?"

Then it's back to the treasure of saying from Knock Knock's YO MAMA Ticket.

Show link here.
