Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled jihadists yearning to slit our throats.

This is essentially our motto as a self-immolating nation.  In this episode of the Conservative Conscience, we discuss how the front line in this war is not in Raqqa, Tikrit, Kabul, or Mogadishu; it’s in communities such as Patterson, Brooklyn, NY, & Minneapolis.  We have let in immigrants from places we should have never accepted and are doing so in record numbers.  We discuss what a sane country would do to rectify the situation and how things will get worse if we don’t wake up.

Key quote 

 “The citizens of America preferred this country, because it is to be preferred; the like principle he wished might be held by every man who came from Europe to reside here; but there was at least some grounds to fear the contrary; their sensations, impregnated with prejudices of education, acquired under monarchical and aristocratical Governments, may deprive them of that zest for pure republicanism, which is necessary in order to taste its beneficence with that gratitude which we feel on the occasion.” Theodore Sedgewick, 1790


Show notes

Are we taking in radical islamists that even Muslim Countries Don’t Want

Andy McCarthy on importing Sharia supremacism

Muslim immigration fastest growing

1.8 million green cards issued to Muslim countries since 9/11

End the diversity visa lottery now  

Muslim imam on why it makes no sense to bring in new Muslim immigrants before assimilating
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Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled jihadists yearning to slit our throats.

This is essentially our motto as a self-immolating nation.  In this episode of the Conservative Conscience, we discuss how the front line in this war is not in Raqqa, Tikrit, Kabul, or Mogadishu; it’s in communities such as Patterson, Brooklyn, NY, & Minneapolis.  We have let in immigrants from places we should have never accepted and are doing so in record numbers.  We discuss what a sane country would do to rectify the situation and how things will get worse if we don’t wake up.

Key quote 

 “The citizens of America preferred this country, because it is to be preferred; the like principle he wished might be held by every man who came from Europe to reside here; but there was at least some grounds to fear the contrary; their sensations, impregnated with prejudices of education, acquired under monarchical and aristocratical Governments, may deprive them of that zest for pure republicanism, which is necessary in order to taste its beneficence with that gratitude which we feel on the occasion.” Theodore Sedgewick, 1790


Show notes

Are we taking in radical islamists that even Muslim Countries Don’t Want

Andy McCarthy on importing Sharia supremacism

Muslim immigration fastest growing

1.8 million green cards issued to Muslim countries since 9/11

End the diversity visa lottery now  

Muslim imam on why it makes no sense to bring in new Muslim immigrants before assimilating

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